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Regional improvement and efficiency partnerships (RIEPs) – Programme achievements and legacy

RIEPs – regional improvement and efficiency partnerships – play a key role in supporting councils. Put simply, they help councils and their partners to deliver better services by supporting them in their efforts to become more efficient, innovative and engaged with citizens.

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Doing something big: building a better society together

This report from the Local Government Group's Big Society Task Force shows how democratically-elected local councillors are at the forefront of developing stronger, more empowered and more resilient communities.

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Independence from the centre: does local government's freedom lie in a new constitutional settlement?

Reforming our democratic constitution is right at the forefront of the political debate, with changes to the House of Lords being actively discussed and a planned Scottish independence referendum in 2014.

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Empowering communities: making the most of local assets – A councillors' guide

In communities across the country we know that local people are concerned about losing locally-valued assets and associated services – from inner-city community centres to village pubs and post offices.

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Modelling devolution – working together to deliver local services

Jointly produced by the LGA and National Association of Local Councils (NALC), this publication describes five models of how principal councils are devolving services to a more local level. ‘Modelling devolution' offers food for thought together with some recommended do's and don'ts for those councils that are contemplating devolving services.

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Transforming public services, using technology and digital tools and approaches

The LGA commissioned research to capture examples of where councils have used technology and digital tools and approaches to deliver services that are better targeted and more efficient.

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Councillor Briefing pack: Resilient Communities

Topic specific briefing packs providing guidance and advice to councillors on how preparing for a changing climate can help achieve wider local priorities.

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Transforming local services through digital

The purpose of this paper is to explore the wider potential of digital tools, technologies and approaches to support ‘transformation' – that is the fundamental redesign of local services so that they deliver better outcomes, in a more targeted and timely fashion, at less cost – building on existing exemplars.

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Developing local digital leadership skills and capacity

The purpose of this paper is to identify ways in which the leadership skills and capacity required in local government to understand and exploit digital tools and approaches effectively can best be developed and supported.

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Syran refugee resettlement: a guide for local authorities COVER

Syrian refugee resettlement: a guide for local authorities

A guide for all those in local authorities who have a role in leading, planning, delivering and continually seeking to improve services for resettled Syrian refugees.